
How it Works?

For Organizations

  1. Fill out the Organization Match Form with the help needed, duration/commitment, etc.

  2. We will send your information to volunteers with the skill sets you need

  3. If it’s a match, we will put them in touch with you to work out the details and get started!

For Individuals

  1. Fill out the Volunteer Matching Form to indicate your skills and the types of organizations you want to help

  2. Receive an email from Nomads Giving Back! with organizations that match your preferences and need your skills

  3. Choose the organization you want to help

  4. Coordinate details directly with the organization (we’ll put you in touch with them), and start volunteering!

Why Join Our Volunteer Matching Program?

Diverse Volunteer Opportunities

Nomads Giving Back's Volunteer Matching Program offers a wide range of opportunities, both remote and in-person, to cater to your preferences and circumstances. Whether you're seeking to make a difference from your own space or engage directly with communities around the world, we have options that suit your volunteering aspirations.

Remote Options

For those who prefer remote volunteering, our program connects you with organizations working towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regardless of your location. You can contribute your skills, expertise, and time to projects that align with specific SDGs, fostering positive change from anywhere in the world.

Custom Tailored Matches

Our Volunteer Matching Program ensures that your skills, interests, and availability are taken into account when connecting you with the right volunteer opportunity, whether remote or in-person. We consider your preferences and align them with organizations and projects that can maximize your potential for creating sustainable change. No matter what cause you are passionate about, we can find a partner for you.

Flexible Time Commitment

We understand that everyone's availability varies, and that's why we offer flexibility in terms of time commitment for both remote and in-person opportunities. Whether you can spare a few hours a week, dedicate a specific period to travel and volunteer, or prefer long-term engagement, we have options that accommodate your availability.

In-Person Opportunities

If you're eager to engage with communities firsthand, we also provide in-person volunteer opportunities. Through our network of trusted partners, you can embark on meaningful journeys to various destinations, immersing yourself in local cultures, supporting grassroots initiatives, and making a direct impact on the ground.

Impact Tracking and Recognition

Nomads Giving Back values the impact you create, both remotely and in-person. Through our program, you can track your volunteering efforts, witness the tangible difference you're making, and contribute towards the SDGs. We also recognize your dedication with certificates, recommendations, and testimonials, highlighting your contributions to sustainable development.

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